Social Studies- Google Earth
I chose to review the Google Earth application for use as a geography teaching tool. As you open it, it zooms into your current location. It's really great because it tells you the coordinates of your location, which could easily be incorporated into a geography lesson. There is a help function and an in app tutorial to use. The app gives you the option to see places, businesses, roads, and even 3D buildings. These options can be turned on or off depending on what you want to see. It's easy to zoom in and out. I thought this app was fun and easy to use. I think the kids would love it, and as a part of the geography lesson, they could search for various locations.
Math: Mathematics
Mathematics is a free math education application. There are various options for reviewing math concepts. The free version of the mathematics app is limited, but the mathematics pro is available for $1.99, and offers more concepts which can be unlocked and used for reviewing math concepts. This is a good tool for helping a student review and grasp a math concept. The student can chose which concept to review, and click into it to receive definitions and examples of that particular math concept.
Science: Solar Walk
This application is an education app which shows mission stations, planets, astroids, and comets. It gives a good visual display of outer space. You can also see where the satellites are in real time, which is cool. It's interesting and fun to use. I shared this app with my eleven year old son, and he absolutely loved it. I think it would be appealing to kids to add this app into a lesson plan!
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